Cuisine-Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan cuisine is delicious. And there are a lot of different cuisines also. It reflects the island's rich cultural heritage. I can say it's a little bit similar to India, China, and other Asian countries. 

Rice and curry are staples in Sri Lankan meals. There are a variety of flavorful curries made from spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. Coconut milk is also a common ingredient. It adds a creamy texture to many dishes.

One of the most famous Sri Lankan foods is hoppers. They are bowl-shaped pancakes made with rice flour and coconut milk. Hoppers are served with spicy sambal or curry.

Another popular food is "kottu roti". People love to have them for their dinner. It is made from chopped roti bread stir-fried with vegetables, eggs, and meat or seafood. It is a spicy food most Sri Lankans love.

Seafood plays a significant role in Sri Lankan cuisine. Fish, shrimp, crab, and squid are commonly enjoyed in various curry dishes or grilled with aromatic spices.

Sri Lankans also have sweet desserts like "wattalapam".It is a steamed coconut custard flavored with spices. Then kokis, crispy fried cookies made from rice flour and coconut milk.

Sri Lankan cuisine is known for its bold flavors, aromatic spices, and vibrant colors. There are many must-try cuisines for any food lover visiting the island.